Repairability Score


The “Repairability Score” module allows you to display the repairability score of your items on the product pages of your site.

The display of this score is mandatory in France since January 1, 2021 for certain categories of electrical and electronic products (see the list here).


When installing, the module automatically creates a feature group “Repairability score” as well as the possible feature values between 0 and 10 (with increments of 0.1). However, if you want to use a feature group that you already have created, you can select it in the module’s configuration:


Feature group selection


If you also want to display the repairability score on your product list pages, select “Yes” for the corresponding option:


Display of the repairability score on list pages


All you have to do then is select the right value directly in the edition of each product concerned:



Since version 1.0.1 of the module, you can also attach, for each product, the file detailing the parameters that allowed to establish its score. To do this, simply load the files in the “Files” tab of the “Catalog” section of your back-office and then select the appropriate file through the “Options” tab of each product file concerned. The procedure is detailed here.


Selection of the file detailing the calculation of the repairability score


When your customers click on a product score, they will be able to download the file and find out more about its establishment.


Customers click on the score to download the document


Use of the module

Product page:

Thanks to the widget mode, you can adapt the positioning of the score on the product sheet by positioning the module on a specific hook.

Here is an example of the repairability score displaying on a product page:



Product list page:

If you activate the corresponding option in the module, you can make the repairability score of your products appear from the list pages.

Add the repairability score to your filter module and allow your visitors to make selections based on the repairability of your products. For full compatibility, use our advanced filter module “Advanced Search 5”, or its Pro version to also work on your SEO, considering queries that include scores for example.


Repairability score as search criterion with Advanced Search