Easy Places



The Easy Places module allows you to increase your transformation rate by helping your customers enter their invoicing and/or delivery addresses when they register on your site.

The idea is simple: Your client enters one or several key words in the address field in the account creation form and a list of potential matches appears. The customer can click one of these matches and all the address fields associated with the address are automatically filled out (Street, Post Code, Town, County/State, Country).

How does it work?
Our module immediately and continually polls the world address database as the customer is typing. These databases are updated daily by the OpenSource community. The autofill feature is based on the customer’s location, so as to avoid similar addresses, only suggest addresses pertinent to each of your customers and suggest the places closest to them first.

General Points and Operating Principles

Our Easy Places module uses Algolia Places technology to provide your customers with instant, pertinent suggestions.
They can use this autofill feature when they create their customer account on your shop or add a delivery or invoicing address and can even use it to speed up the guest order process.

Algolia Places uses OpenStreetMap databases (https://www.openstreetmap.org) and GeoNames (http://www.geonames.org), which provide regularly-updated addresses from around the world.
The maximum number of requests is limited to 1000 per day.

Finally, Easy Places is responsive design compatible, works on PrestaShop 1.5 and PrestaShop 1.6 and only suggests addresses for the countries that have been activated for your shop.



To install Easy Places, see our tutorial on how to install a module here.